भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान सेनापति, मणिपुर

Indian Institute of Information Technology Senapati, Manipur

(An Institute of National Importance by Act of Parliament, Govt. of India)
Mantripukhri, Imphal, India - 795002


The IIIT Manipur undertakes the mission to provide technical education by offering state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes with international standards of excellence and with emphasis on research to undertake collaborative projects which offer opportunities for long-term interaction with academia and Information Technology (IT) industry as well as technology development in the area of national importance.


To contribute to India and the World through excellence in Information Technology in general; to build leaders and entrepreneurs through transformative and Innovative Education in the context of socio-economic relevance to the North East of India in particular; to serve as a valuable resource for industry and society; and remain a source of pride for all Indians.

Manipur, being projected as a Gateway to South East Asia under the Look East Policy of the Government of India, IIIT Manipur will be looking for opportunities to spread IT education and to contribute to Human Resource development in its neighboring countries.

IIIT Manipur has a vision of establishing itself as an Institution of excellence in Cyber Security, Cyber Crime and Forensic so that human resource from IIIT Manipur will be prepared to face this growing global threat. It also envisages itself for achieving excellence in application of robotics facilitating human life to overcome congenital as well as acquired disabilities.


  • IIIT Manipur has been set up as an institute of international standard for offering UG (B.Tech.), PG (M.Tech.) and Ph.D. degree with a unique model of partnership of the Govt. of India in joint partnership with State Government of Manipur and industry partners.
  • To provide best-in-class human resources to the growing electronics, manufacturing & design and IT software and services industry in India as well as technology development in the area of national importance such as e-Governance in the medium terms.
  • The IIIT Manipur also aims in foster research and development in advanced engineering and applied sciences in M.Tech. and Ph.D. levels.
  • To have a strong industry interface to harness the multi-dimensional facets of IT, electronics and design in various domains.
  • To increase the student capacity to meet the growing demands for industry leaders from domestic and international Markets.
  • To achieve international character by having provision for intake of a certain percentage of foreign students right from graduation level, especially from the South East Asian and SAARC countries.
  • To provide mechanism for exchange of faculty with similar institutions of international repute.
  • To improve the quality of life of people in general and socio economic environment of North East India region in particular as outreach activity.

    About IIIT
    Director's Message
    About IIIT
    Mission & Vision
    PPP for IIIT Manipur
    Places to Visit @Manipur
    Board of Governors
    Finance Committee
    Building Committee
    Board of Studies
    BTech Admission 2025 - 2026
    Academic Calendar
    Dept. of Computer Science & Engg
    Dept. of Elect. & Comm. Engg.
    Dept. of Humanities & Basic Sciences
    Rules & Regulations
    Code and Conducts of student
    BTech Regulation
    PhD Regulation
    Hostel Regulation
    Anti-Ragging Regulation
    Leave Rules
    Training & Placement Cell
    International Relation Division
    TEQIP Cell
    Equity Cell
    Alumni Association
    Forms and Essentials
    Communication Address
    Indian Institute of Information Technology Manipur
    City-Campus, Mantripukhri
    Imphal, Manipur, India - 795002

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